Buried deep in the Old Testament of the Bible is a story you have most likely missed. Don’t feel bad, most people have missed it or read over it during a ‘One Year’ Bible reading plan and probably read over it so fast that what is said didn’t sink in. It’s found in 2 Samuel 23:20-23 and is the story of Benaiah. There is so much we can learn from this small window into this unknown mans life. Here is what we do know about Benaiah: he was from a place called Kabzeel, his dad was Jehoiada, he was a valiant warrior, and he most likely was the great great great grandfather of Chuck Norris (ok, the last one I made up but still think it’s true). His story in Scripture is small but what he did is huge. Verse 20 says that one day Benaiah was in a normal day and all of a sudden he sees a lion. It’s winter time and the snow is falling but as he is going about his day, Benny (I like to think that’s what his friends called him) sees a lion. Now most people when seeing a lion in the wild would either freeze out of fear, climb a tree, run back inside and lock the door or get in the fetal position and except their new role as cat food. Not Benny. Our boy Benny was a lion chaser. He sees the lion and does the most redneck thing you can think of, he chases the lion…in the snow…into a pit…and kills it. Let that story play out in your head for a moment. Benny, who in my head looks like Gerard Butler as Leonidas in the movie 300, chases a man eating beast with teeth the size of daggers, drool dripping from his roaring mouth, in unsafe footing into a dark environment and kills it. Who doest that?
Have you ever had one of those moments where you do something and then think back: What was I thinking? I have a ton rolling through my head as I write this, but I don’t want to focus on things I have done but things God has pulled you through. I bet if you stopped and put some thought to it right now, there is something in your mind that you feel compelled to do but are scared to death to actually put into action. Maybe it’s talking to your boss about Jesus, or starting a new business. The possibilities here are endless. My point is to get you thinking about moments in your life to chase your lions. What if God put you in this spot, gave you this thought or idea because it was going to drastically change things for you and those around you? What if in place of running in fear like most people, you trusted that God has put you in this specific place with this specific thought to grow you into more of who He has built you to be? In his book: In A Pit With A Lion, Mark Batterson says this:
“God is in the business of strategically positioning us in the right place at the right time.” He goes on to say, “God is awfully good at getting us where He wants us to go. But here’s the catch: The right place often seems like the wrong place, and the right time often seems like the wrong time.”
I don’t know what your lion is but I really believe we all have them and we have plenty of excuses as to why we shouldn’t give chase. Some will chase and some will hide or run. I don’t know what Benny’s life was like after this but I bet his friends heard this story 10000 times and anytime he felt afraid his mind went back to this moment. I know the lions I have ran from still haunt me with ‘what if’ thoughts, while the few lions I have chased give me courage and have increased my faith! Spend some time in prayer. Go chase your lions.
Mark’s book has been huge in my journey and has helped me step out in faith so many times. This is a book I strongly recommend you adding to your library, you can get it here at
In A Pit With A Lion.